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open mind. strong body. beautiful soul. 


there is a rhythm of energy
that guides all of life and creativity.
just as the tides, the moon, the earth, and the seasons
all unfold in their own divine timing,
you too are designed to flow
through an embodied expression of your many phases.
Rather than trying to fix, change, or resist,
which only leaves us feeling depleted, lost, disconnected, 
we can learn to surrender to the powerful transformation
and expansion that each one brings.
Allowing the space to be fully present 
within the unfolding of each season, 
we welcome every part of our inner being.
This is how we can reclaim our vitality, our freedom,
and our deepest calling to be all we know we can be
and thereby share the gifts of who we are
as our offering and medicine
to the collective.  


Seasons of Being is a wellness movement located in Appleton, WI offering Reiki therapy sessions combined with practice-based embodiment tools and intuitive coaching for empowered transformation through mind-body reconnection, guided exploration and energetic balancing.

Explore your unique healing journey
as you learn to embrace the cycles
and rhythms of life with more joy, clarity, hope, vitality, and presence.

When we reconnect to our deeper self,
we intentionally create a more centered foundation that supports us throughout every new season that life brings. 
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Experience the Power of Embodiment
Embodiment is about reconnecting the mind and body, and Reiki especially threads this together in a powerful, effective way that integrates all the layers of our being. In our work together, we'll use a variety of core Embodiment Tools, including:

  • Reiki

  • EFT Tapping

  • Breathwork

  • Somatic Release + Sensing

  • Aromatherapy

  • Sound Vibrational Healing

  • Guided Inner Exploration

  • Subconscious Shifting

  • Ground and Grow​

To share our light with the world, we must first get grounded. Feeling centered in our physical experience is essential before we can grow

and expand outwards. Our body is the vessel through which your energy flows. By clearing

and aligning your energy, we create the foundation for you to rise from the roots up.


Begin Your Journey
Join us at Seasons of Being and experience the transformative power of embodiment + energy alignment. Reconnect with your inner self, align your energy, and rise to your fullest potential. Let's embark on this journey together and create the vibrant, balanced life you deserve.

Roots to Rise: The Essence of Healing
Roots to Rise is a Yogic term that invites us to build our foundation from the roots up. It speaks to creating space to ground ourselves in the knowing and truth of who we are, allowing us to rise to our next level. Just as everything must grow from the roots up, this philosophy of healing is at the heart of Seasons of Being.


A Bottom-Up Approach to Healing
Imagine looking at a tree that is not thriving. It likely appears brown, diseased, weakened, with dead branches—an outward expression of its inner state of health. What would happen if you focused on watering and tending to only the leaves at the top? There might be some small improvements, but ultimately, this would not sustain the tree or provide the nourishment it needs to thrive. We all know that to restore a tree, we must water it at the roots.

Yet, we often try to restore ourselves using a top-down approach, focusing on our linear, thinking mind alone. This is like watering the leaves—we cannot only think our way into growth. Even if we know the steps to take, it is our body, our energy, our inspired feelings and our tenacity of spirit that are required to actually embody something new and take grounded action to create the change we seek.

To truly restore the tree, we must nurture, feed, water, and spend time and attention on the roots, gradually improving the health of the whole. The tree can only be as healthy, vibrant, sustained, and strong as its root base.

This is the same for you.


Holistic and Integrative Healing
Seasons of Being is dedicated to sharing this holistic, integrative bottom-up approach. Rooted in our sensory experience in the present moment, this approach embodies awareness in action, tending to our own roots—the nervous system. Without a balanced approach that includes our physical experience and nervous system, we only live from the neck up, finding ourselves stuck, disconnected, and wondering why we can't seem to get out of our heads.


Embodiment + Awareness
In our fast-paced, fragmented modern world, we are no longer taught to value the language of our bodies, our felt senses, or our emotional wisdom.

Logic and productivity have outsourced our own knowing and being. Embodiment work is the antidote. By bringing our awareness inward and relearning how to be present with what we find there, we rebuild our relationship with our inner authority—the inner guidance that can only be accessed through our bodies, feelings, and intuitive awareness.


Create the Shifts You Desire
Through this work, we can finally create the shifts and expansion we truly desire and know we deserve. Living in alignment, resourcing from within, creating from overflow, and anchoring in the now—this is the path to true healing and growth.

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From RN to Reiki Therapist, I've always seen the deep connection between science and soul -
Recognizing the nervous system as our vital energy conduit.  When we align our energy we can experience profound shifts in our outer reality, as well. Our habitual thoughts, feelings,  and behaviors all make up our energetic baseline. The more deeply connected you are within, the more you can live from your authentic truth, trusting your own Inner Wisdom to guide you.

The work I offer is a culmination of tools, teachings, experiences, and perspectives
that guided my own transformation—from feeling burned out, powerless, stuck,
debilitated by illness and injury, depressed, and disconnected to embracing a balanced,
aligned, easeful, and empowered way of being and creating.

I believe this is what we are all ready to remember. 

It can be difficult to find our way in this fast-paced world
as the caring, sensitive, capable, intelligent, creative, intuitive women that we truly are. Beyond the limitations of the mind,
of our doubt, of everything we've been taught or endured - we know and always sensed  that deep down, there isa different way of being in the world. One that perhaps doesn't have to be so hard.

My offerings and insights are from my own journey, and are shaped by the guided transformations I've walked alongside with hundreds of others, as well. 

We were never meant to find our way here, alone. Together, we'll reclaim your cyclical, empowered, embodied, and energetic essence—unlocking the vibrant life you are destined to live.

Text or Call Amanda 


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WEBSITE DESIGN: Amanda St. Mary 


PHOTOGRAPHY ART by Heidi Heimerl


@2024 Sage Anahata LLC I All Rights Reserved


The owner of this website does not dispense medical advise or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the owner is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional, spiritual or general overall well-being. In the event you use any of the information on this website for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the owner assumes no responsibility for your actions.

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