You are your own
greatest adventure
Journey to Honoring is much more than a platform
for healing, discovering, learning and growing.
It is a gathering place, a fractal of belonging, a unification.
When we share our stories and open our hearts,
honoring one another, we become a community.
It is a calling, a revelation, and a remembering
Where we move from forgetting our innate worthiness into honoring ourselves,
to reclaim our unique gifts and inner wisdom.
It is a movement, an awakening, and a state of being.
It is motioning us forward into our highest potential,
and our deepest joy for living.
Coming back home to the truth of who we are.
The journey to honoring is something that we are all part of.
That you, are already an integral part of.
Simply by being here and reading these words,
you are part of it.
You have arrived here
despite an infinite amount of circumstances
by the grace of your own inner compass.
Unconsciously having already taken the first step
into your journey of honoring. ​
The journey to honoring is a roadmap,
a navigating system and supportive container
to resource you, empower you, and elevate you
as the one who knows the way
on your personal healing journey.
guidance for your journey
The healing journey is the archetypal story
that we are each asked to walk throughout our lifetime,
it is the reason we are here.
When you ask the question,
'What is my purpose?"
the healing journey appears,
inviting you to take the first step.
We are all searching on so many levels
to fill the empty space that hungers
for a more fulfilling life experience than
we are currently enduring.
So many of us have been taught that the path to healing
is linear, external, only to be found within certain
logic, beliefs, or systems.
That we must do, achieve, think, initiate, and force
in order to find our way.
That we must prove ourselves worthy of healing, or
that we must compromise our well-being
in the name of contribution, expectation, and success.
This is the path that was laid out for us over generations,
patterned and layered into the structures, culture,
and mind of our modern world.
This is the path so many of us find ourselves on,
trying our best to find our footing,
to follow the steps we were given,
to stay within the lines of the pavement that
we were promised would lead us to our dreams.
And in doing so, despite our very best efforts,
we are left feeling weary, worn-down, defeated, lost.
Stuck in an endless circle of struggle, exhaustion,
sorrow, and hopelessness. ​
But so many us are awakening,
realizing this way cannot be the only way.
Despite the disillusionment of where
we are currently standing,
we can feel deep within our cells
that there is a better way than this.
A better way, that we simply know can and will lead us
to a new and better place, as individuals and as a collective.
Journey to Honoring is here to inspire you, hold you,
and help you navigate as you remember
there is a different way, the way of our true nature
and a way that allows us to embody our energetic design.
As you rediscover what is possible when we
view life as a journey,
filled with lessons and medicine,
rather than obstacles and overwhelm,
you will experience life as the incredible unfolding
that it is meant to be.
This is how we begin.
how to know if you're ready
The content shared is designed to be experienced,
to be interactive, allowing your senses to lead you to the next step,
to take a breath and notice in your body where things land,
to zoom in, take your time, and contemplate
so you can honor whatever arises, and
make space for what is ready to be set free.
The ideas, teachings, musings, inspirations shared are done so with the intention
that you will take what resonates, leave what doesn't, and
most importantly - that it leaves room for you to make it your own.
This space is a supportive guide and roadmap for you as you reach inward to find your own authenticity and resilience to navigate your journey, in your own divine timing.
You are the only one who can take the steps, the only one who can know what turns to take and when, the only one who can assign meaning to your experiences,
and ultimately you are the only one who can lead yourself through.
You are the compass on your journey.
This is where your truth lives.
This is how we reclaim ourselves, and our lives.