stepping off the path
stepping into the journey
the path to healing is a soul journey
When we understand that life
is an unfolding, endless journey
we give ourselves permission
to honor, rather than to struggle,
And therefore stepping into
a life fully lived.
Honoring is a present tense embodiment -
a way of being with ourselves fully,
where we stop limiting, judging, resisting, and instead,
learn how to sense, remember, and feel through
whatever arises in the present moment.
Your journey to healing, to joy, to mindfulness, to clarity,
to living the life you truly desire
will not lead you to a place, a destination.
Instead, you must choose the
journey to honoring.
Trust that when you choose to step in this brave, new direction
of self-awareness, of deeply accepting all that you are,
of facing your truest self,
of making space for your inner wisdom,
of embodiment over shutting down
the journey will lead you to
an entirely new way of being,
and breathing
Of honoring all that is,
grounded in the knowing
That everything is happening for you,
not to you.
The journey to honoring will liberate you,
awaken you, strengthen you, empower you.
The journey to honoring is one of
becoming and unbecoming,
Over and over again.
This is our deepest calling and purpose.
This is how we heal.
This is how we come home to ourselves.
This is the way to a brighter and more harmonious future,
for ourselves as individuals,
and for all of humanity.
We are at a critical point in our world story
. We all see where we as a collective are
hurting, suffering, disempowered,
trapped by fear, victimhood, and lack.
However, this is a message of hope.
It is easy to feel overwhelmed by the problems at hand,
but we must remember that
solutions come through love, not through more fear.
The remedy is found by expanding our perceptions
and exploring new possibilities.
This is a community for those who, like me,
believe that change is possible.
For those who believe in change for the better.
Who sees that our current system
is no longer serving
the well-being of all.
Who are ready to take the leap
into empowerment and
radical responsibility for themselves,
understanding that the community, the tribe
is only as healthy and strong
as the individuals within it.
We have been deeply programmed by fear and limitation, conditioned to think that we ourselves are powerless
to create the changes needed
to shift the global landscape.
I’m here to tell you this is an illusion.
The truth is that we are not helpless,
we have simply forgotten the power
of our creative, intuitive, holistic design.
We are designed to be interconnected,
to be resourced and abundant.
We are designed to thrive and create,
To build, to mend, and to lift each other up,
Not to tear down or contribute to
the wound of separation.
Our destiny is not to suffer, to struggle,
to have to fight to simply survive
as so many of us find ourselves stuck
in the current system.
I believe in change for the better.
I am here to share the message that
you are sovereign, whole, and powerful.
You are your own healer and guide.
You have the ability to evolve
and awaken into your higher purpose.
As you remember your own story and find your inner light,
you are contributing to shifting the world’s story
into one of hope and compassion for all.
This is our collective destiny.
This is the path to a heart-centered
way of life for ourselves
and for our future generations.
This is the journey to honoring.
If this resonates anywhere within your body or soul,
if you feel the pull to dive in,
your journey to honoring